How do you save more time on Kajangfood.,my?
You do not have to wait for your phone call to get thru to place your order at your local restaurant. Simply scan the QR code on the restaurant name card or click on the direct link from Kajangfood.my and place an online order for pickup or delivery.
Pre-order your food before or during peak hours, drive over, and pick it up without much hassle of looking for parking.
Scan Dine-In QR Code at the restaurant, place your order when you are ready and you don’t have to wait for a waiter or waitress to come over. The accuracy of your order is much higher, without error and miscommunication.
How do you Money more time on Kajangfood.,my?
Unlike Grabfood, Foodpanda, ShopeeFood, etc., we do not charge a commission for your orders. So you will enjoy the same food for the same price as Dine-In. If Nasi Lemak is RM10.00 when you have it in the local restaurant, it will be RM10.00 when you order at Kajangfood.my.
Go thru our promotions and look for more savings. Grab some free vouchers and save more money when you visit or order from that restaurant.
Keep a look out for sales like Musang King during durian season (you can save up to 20%) because you will be ordering directly from the orchard and not a reseller.
We will continue to bring more savings to you, just stay with us as we grow within the Kajang community.